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Monday, March 8, 2010

Brokeback Mountain from Xanga 12/10/06

When I was watching BrokeBack Mountain on HBO 3 days ago, I was being very careful to not get turned on. I was very scared that I was going to get turned on. My roomate probably already thinks i am ghey for watching that movie, not like theres anything wrong with that. Well anyways I thought the movie was actually pretty good. I kinda missed the beginning and I just made it to see the ghey butseckz intercourse scene. I was on my computer, trying to focus on my computer and try to have a wonderful time. The sound of it was very provoking, but I had to deal with it cuz its life. I could HAVE changed the channel...but .ehhh nevermind. However, I was very upset for their wives because they were soo freakin hawt! I am just trying to understand why cant they put mediocre chicks...but instead they put hawt wives that they had to cheat on.. Ang lee is very unrealistic on that part. Well anyways I liked the movie a lot, but not the men though (just to make sure to those that are reading this because people can be so ignorant sometimes..).

In conclusion, I did not get turned on and I think everyone should give this movie a chance...the ghey stuff is not that bad. Actually nevermind, it was pretty bad, but it was a great movie! I liked it because it had a lot of meaning to gives you a feelin about how painful love can be which makes me want to cry! But i did not cry.... 9/10

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